Friday, November 19, 2010

It's official now

I went to my classroom today and saw my students to tell them the news. It's the first time that I've been back, and I was literally welcomed with open arms! I popped into the room right after they had returned from recess. Once they saw me walk into the room there was a mad dash and I had 25 kiddos hugging me from all directions. It was wonderful to see them and I could tell that the feeling was mutual. I was so worried about how to tell them (remember, I've done this before) but they were great! They took the news in stride and had tons of questions, which I answered the best that I could. Then they promptly asked if I'd been in class on Monday! So much for listening skills!

It was equally wonderful to see my school "family" and even harder to leave at the end of the day. The hugs that you gave me said it all. I can't begin to express my thanks to all of you for the love and support that you've shown me. With you behind me, I can (and will ) move mountains.

Mary and Janice...special hugs to both of you for keeping the home fires burning!



  1. It's Jessica (Sroczynski) I just wanted to say best wishes! It was great to see you again!
    (I love your blog!)Bye!

  2. Yes, you had done that announcment before...a moment I will never forget. Such love and concern from all of your students. Your gonna do great Joanne. No, it won't be easy, but you are strong and have an immense support system. We love you bunches.
    THe Wikle family
